“The invoice approval process is a big bonus for us. Expenditure control is really optimized. It's one of Regate's great assets.”

Maëlle Letoquart
Brakson Group
Regate at Brakson

How the fast-growing Brakson Group improved its administrative and financial management by choosing Regate.

Upon joining a fast-growing Brakson Group, Maëlle quickly realized that she would have to automate certain tasks without delay. It was with the help of the timeshare CFO and the accounting firm that she selected Regate. This now allows it to combine its three previous tools into one.

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“You can set up automatic rules, it's really a source of efficiency. I no longer need to worry about these points (like the format of the entries, for example): Regate manages for me.”

Maëlle Letoquart
Brakson Group

The benefits of Regate

Centralize expenditure control

“Thanks to Regate, I can do on the same tool, on the same day, what I was forced to spread out over 3 tools and over a week before,” explains Maelle. All invoice processing steps are grouped together. It saves time, visibility and reliability.

Managing budgets

It was important for the CFO to monitor the expenses of the various departments in real time: “Our project for 2023 is to activate the budget module. But the approval circuit alone has already taken us a big leap forward: we only pay for what is validated.”

Save time on management

The increasing volume of supplier invoices received, to check, to enter, to pay became difficult for Maëlle and Djemila to manage: “With Regate, we've clearly divided that time in half!” The business continues to grow, but Maëlle is now looking forward to the future with confidence.

“Video coding by the Regate teams, in addition to OCR, which is already very powerful, gives us much better reliability. With far fewer errors than other tools.”

Maëlle Letoquart
Brakson Group

Their favorite features

Batch payment

Being able to pay invoices from several suppliers at once is a strength of Regate, for Maëlle and her colleague Djemila. They would no longer go back to the previous systems with which each payment had to be made one by one.

Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Automatic reconciliation

“The advantage of using Regate is that all payments are automatically reconciled. That's really really great!” explains Maëlle who is content to validate the reconciliations. “It's simple, payments made via Regate are always fair!”

Notifications to the Chartered Accountant

On a bank transaction line or an invoice, Maëlle can notify the accountant when there is a problem or a directly related issue. It's clear and quick for him. And this allows Maëlle and the firm to resolve most of the outstanding issues, well in advance of the assessment.

Regate interface element

“Regate allows our administrative and financial director to have a global vision and centralized data.”

Maëlle Letoquart
Brakson Group

The impact of Regate
In a few figures

50 %

saved working time


supplier paid late

100 %

payments made on Regate automatically reconciled

What if you try Regate?

Regate automates your financial and accounting management and saves you time on a daily basis.

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Utilisateur Regate
Utilisateur Regate