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How to set up
effective control of expenditure?

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Solution Entreprise

All-in-one management and payment platform

Supervise your company's expenses and automate your accounting processes with Regate.

Application regate sur smartphoneCarte de paiement regate
Un gérant d'entreprise discutant avec un expert comptable

Control your expenses and track
your accounting in real time

Budgets, payment cards, approval circuits: gain visibility and improve control of your expenses! Simply pre-approve expense requests, track your budget envelopes in real time

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interface regate
+20 000 entreprises nous font confiance

Automate your supplier and customer accounts

Save your teams time!

OCR, automatic management of imputations, management of CCA and PCA, monitoring of customer payments: save up to 80% of the time on your accounting treatments!

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Screenshot de l'application représentant la soumission des notes de frais et factures par photo

Pay as you wish

SEPA transfer, advance payment, batch payment, Corporate payment card, virtual card, payment in installments (coming soon): with Regate, pay in a simple and convenient way, as you want.

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Schéma représentant les fonctionnalités regate

The preferred tool for finance teams
for increased management

interface regate

Automatisez votre comptabilité fournisseur de bout en bout

Digitalisez vos factures en un clic, faites-les approuver par les bonnes personnes, programmez et validez le paiement directement depuis Regate ! Ensuite, les écritures sont générées automatiquement et déversées dans votre logiciel comptable.

“As soon as I receive supplier invoices, they are imported directly into the software. And all supplier payments are also made from Regate: so it's a huge time saver!”

Fabienne Mille
Accounting Administrator - Luxcarta
Regate vous offre la possibilité de personnaliser vos factures clients

Automatisez votre facturation clients
et réduisez vos impayés

Regate vous aide à collecter votre argent plus rapidement : créez vos devis et factures (au format Factur-X, prêt pour une facturation électronique conforme), partagez-les à vos clients et relancez-les facilement. Suivez chaque règlement avec précision et évitez les impayés !

“Not to mention Regate bank cards, which can be configured for each need, which have made it possible to extremely simplify the management of the company's recurring expenses!” ent in the software. And all supplier payments are also made from Regate: so it's a huge time saver!”

Gabriel d'Agay
DAF - Greenriders
interface regate

Récuperez et remboursez plus facilement les notes de frais

Dites adieux aux justificatifs manquants ! Sur l'application mobile Regate, vos équipes prennent en photo leurs notes de frais. Grâce à un OCR très performant et un puissant moteur de règles, vous gardez le contrôle sur les coûts et générez automatiquement les bonnes écritures dans votre comptabilité.

“Regate allows me to streamline exchanges with operational teams. If I don't have proof of an expense report, I'll send it back in one click!”

Stéphanie Lagrange, DAF chez France Trampoline
Stéphanie Lagrange
DAF at France Trampoline
interface regate

Gérez tous vos paiements en quelques clics depuis une seule interface

Depuis Regate vous pouvez payer toutes vos dépenses en toute sécurité et sans jamais vous connecter à votre banque !  Regate vous permet aussi de  programmer vos lots de paiement, payer des acomptes et gérer des avoirs.

“As soon as I receive supplier invoices, they are imported directly into the software. And all supplier payments are also made from Regate: so it's a huge time saver!”

Fabienne Mille
Accounting Administrator - Luxcarta
interface regate

Générez des cartes bancaires simples et 100% sécurisées

Equipez vos équipes de cartes virtuelles et physiques adaptées à chaque besoin et suivez toutes leurs opérations dans Regate. Donnez plus d’autonomie à vos collaborateurs tout en gardant le contrôle des coûts.

“Not to mention Regate bank cards, which can be configured for each need, which have made it possible to extremely simplify the management of the company's recurring expenses!”

Gabriel d'Agay
DAF - Greenriders
interface regate

Rapprochez facilement vos dépenses grâce à une vue unifiée de tous vos comptes bancaires

Regate vous permet réalisez vos rapprochements bancaires en quelques clics, et sans vous connecter à votre banque ! Retrouvez une transaction en quelques secondes grâce au moteur de recherche intelligent et identifiez tous les justificatifs manquants.

“My accountant manages Regate on a daily basis on the accounting side: the invoices arrive, she processes them and she passes them into the Cegid accounting department. I use Regate more as a surveillance tool, it allows me to monitor where I am at in my various budgets.”

Olivier Giunti
President of Pausado
interface regate

Gardez le contrôle sur vos dépenses grâce aux budgets et demandes d’achats

Pré-approuvez vos dépenses et suivez vos engagements pour  rester au plus près de la réalité. Sur Regate, vous pouvez configurer vos budgets par axe analytique, assigner un référent et suivre les dépenses qui s’y rapportent en temps réel.

“I use Regate more as a surveillance tool: it really allows me to monitor where I am at in my various budgets.
The tool is well done, the interface is well done, it is effective. In any case, it's a pleasure every morning to see where you are on your budget!”

Olivier Giunti
President of Pausado
interface regate

Suivez et anticipez votre trésorerie en temps réel

Prenez le contrôle de vos liquidités : votre niveau de trésorerie est consolidé en temps réel grâce aux données transactionnelles transitant sur Regate, et analysé pour proposer un prévisionnel pertinent, vous permettant de prendre les meilleures décisions.

“Like most SMEs, cash flow is our number one concern. Thanks to Regate, we can accurately estimate the amounts that we need to reduce to each of our entities based on their needs.”

David Brunello
Co-founder of Inspire Villages
interface regate

Gagnez en visibilité sur les finances de votre entreprise

Grâce à l'automatisation des reportings financiers proposée par Regate, vous bénéficiez d'une vue centralisée de toutes vos opérations financières, pour vous accompagner au mieux dans le pilotage de votre entreprise.

“The very visual and customizable dashboard allows me to precisely manage my business. I now know where I stand in real time, I can anticipate deadlines and make forecasts.”

Laetitia Bertrand, gérante de Plus Haut les Mots
Laetitia Bertrand
Manager of Plus Haut les Mots

Get started
in a few hours!

No technical development on your part is necessary. Our teams take care of everything to set up your account according to your needs.

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Regate est conçu pour s’intégrer avec votre logiciel comptable

Designed for Integrate with your accounting software

No more file transfers and manual entry: Regate connects easily with your accounting tool to ensure reliable and up-to-date information. Automate your accounting without changing software!

See our integrations

CFOs talk about how they use Regate

Our users take the floor to explain how Regate has changed their daily lives: from productivity gains to cost control and automated financial reporting.

A 360° view of company-wide expenses

Published on 21/05/2022

We save tons of time on registering invoices

Published on 21/05/2022

All the information is right on display for us

Published on 21/05/2022

We avoid mistakes and it is ten times faster

Published on 21/05/2022

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A comprehensive Starter Pack

Try it and you'll love it! Begin with the Starter Pack and enjoy all the benefits of Regate from day one.

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Starter Pack


For 100 invoices
5 users & 5 bank cards

Discover this offer

Regate adapts to every need

You outsource your accounting

Your accounting is internalized

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Is Regate compatible with my accounting software?

Regate integrates with the majority of accounting software on the market (Sage, Quadratus, ACD, MyUnisoft...). It acts on top of your production tool, to automatically upload the entries, in an adapted format and in real time. So there's no need to embark on a long migration project!

To learn more about our software and API integrations, visit our dedicated page.

Can I make electronic invoices (e-bills) with Regate?

As a reminder, electronic invoicing will gradually become mandatory starting on 1 July 2024 for all businesses subject to VAT, for B2B transactions.

With Regate, you can now edit, send and receive invoices in Factur-X format approved by the tax authority. Any invoice issued from Regate is therefore already in compliance with the future standard.

In addition, Regate is a candidate for registration as a Partner Dematerialization Platform (PDP), to support you even more in the reform and help you implement electronic invoicing effortlessly.

To find out more, go to our dedicated page.

Can we deal with our international business with Regate?

Regate manages French and Spanish accounting, wherever your subsidiaries are located. Furthermore, the platform is now available in French, English and Spanish.

Managing supplier invoices in foreign currencies is possible in Regate. For payments, your Regate bank cards allow you to make payments in foreign currencies. It is also possible to make transfers within the SEPA zone or to generate an XML file adapted to the chosen standards, then to import it into your banking application to generate these payments.

How is Regate being deployed?

We have developed a rapid and structured deployment methodology, so that this phase takes you as little time and resources as possible. All you need to do is fill out a form about your accounting organization (roles, production software, approvals, analytics), and send us your FEC. Then, our project managers take over to configure your interface according to your needs.

Finally, we organize online training courses, during which we present the tool to you and during which you can ask any questions you may have.

In all, count a maximum of 3 weeks!

What are the possible roles in Regate?

Since the Regate platform is designed to simplify your management, it easily adapts to your organization: each user is associated with a role. Between the financial director, the chief accountant, the manager or the employee, everyone has specific rights, in terms of actions and access. For example, the employee can issue purchase requests, which the manager validates, then the DAF finalizes the payment.

In particular, the role of CFO is a “super administrator”: it is the most complete role, which allows all possible actions to be carried out on the platform.

What if you try Regate?

Regate automates your financial and accounting management and saves you time on a daily basis.

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Utilisateur Regate
Utilisateur Regate