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"Nous voulons faciliter la relation entre les experts-comptables et leurs clients TPE-PME"

Alexandre Prot, PDG & Co-fondateur de Qonto, précise comment l'écosystème Qonto va aider les experts-comptables à renforcer l'accompagnement client

Lire l'interview sur Le Monde du Chiffre

Your pre-accounting connected to your customers.

The productivity and collaboration interface for the firm and its clients, 100% integrated with your accounting software.

Interface Regate by Qonto
Interface Regate by Qonto

20 000+ financial and accounting professionals already trust us

Logo Skello
Logo Paradis du Fruit
Logo Cecca
Logo Le Slip Français
Logo LaFourche
Logo DRB Groupe
Logo Ami Paris
Logo Batt
Logo Skello
Logo Paradis du Fruit
Logo Cecca
Logo Le Slip Français
Logo LaFourche
Logo DRB Groupe
Logo Ami Paris
Logo Batt

Invoice and expense report processing

Easily collect receipts and receipts on a centralized platform. Automate the processing and collaborate effectively to count them in a few clicks!

Process supporting documents
Facture fournisseur

“My customers love being able to photograph their expense receipts with the Regate mobile app: fast, easy, no loss. And I get it all back, properly treated in Regate.”

SE2C Expert-comptable
Christophe Dumont
Chartered Accountant, SE2C Expertise
bank reconciliations (IA)

Automated reconciliations thanks to AI

Automatically retrieve and process bank statements. Thanks to AI, easily transform transactions into accounting entries, without manual allocation.

Automate reconciliation
Rapprochement bancaire

“I no longer need to do the reconciliations manually, or even check them: Regate does it automatically for me, and does it very well!”

Enchanted Tools
François Toussaint
CFO, Enchanted Tools
Document management

A centralized, shared and secure space for all documents

Opt for efficient document management! No more email exchanges or shared clouds, you can now store everything directly on your collaborative and centralized platform.

Centralize documents
Gestion documentaire

“Regate allowed us to set up a very efficient data collection center at a lower cost.”

Jean-Mathieu Dorelle - Pyxis
Jean-Mathieu Dorelle
Associate Chartered Accountant, Pyxis Audit

Flexible and efficient customer billing

Offer your customers a simple and compliant tool to create quotes, invoices and personalized credit notes, send and send reminders to limit unpaid invoices, and then track their collections, in just a few clicks!

Discover billing
Facture client

“We have more and more customers using it. Even those who have dedicated billing software sometimes prefer to use Regate to send us the images of their invoices more easily.”

Jean-Mathieu Dorelle - Pyxis
Jean-Mathieu Dorelle
Associate Chartered Accountant, Pyxis Audit
Financial reporting

Financial management at a glance

The accounting data processed in Regate by Qonto feeds into a simple, actionable and customizable dashboard in real time, allowing the best management decisions to be made.

Follow the indicators
Reporting financier

“The very visual and customizable dashboard allows me to precisely manage my activity. I now know where I am in real time, I can anticipate deadlines and make forecasts.”

Laetitia Bertrand, Plus Haut les Mots
Laetitia Bertrand
Manager, Plus Haut les Mots

Pay all bills in one click

Pay all your suppliers in one click and securely, directly from your Regate by Qonto interface! Program, track, split your payments for even more control of your cash flow.

Pay with Regate by Qonto
Module de Paiment dans Regate by Qonto

“The pleasant surprise is that we can manage all of our payment needs on Regate, in addition to the invoice validation circuit.”

David Brunello
David Brunello
Founder - Inspire Villages

Opt for the all-in-one

Seamless collaboration

Work in real time with your customers via a single and shared platform


Save time with accounting automations and integrations

Customer satisfaction

Benefit from a dedicated account manager for your employees and customers


Take advantage of a solution that is already in line with the electronic invoicing reform

An entry point

interface regate

Automate your end-to-end accounts payable

Digitize your invoices in one click, have them approved by the right people, schedule and validate the payment directly from Regate! Then, the entries are automatically generated and uploaded to your accounting software.

“As soon as I receive supplier invoices, they are imported directly into the software. And all supplier payments are also made from Regate: so it's a huge time saver!”

Christophe Dumont
Accounting Administrator - Luxcarta
Regate vous offre la possibilité de personnaliser vos factures clients

Automate your customer billing

Regate helps you collect your money more quickly: create your quotes and invoices (in Factur-X format, ready for compliant electronic invoicing), share them with your customers and easily relaunch them. Follow each payment precisely and avoid unpaid bills!

“Not to mention Regate bank cards, which can be configured for each need, which have made it possible to extremely simplify the management of the company's recurring expenses!” ent in the software. And all supplier payments are also made from Regate: so it's a huge time saver!”

Jean-Mathieu Dorelle
Expert-comptable associé - Pyxis Audit
interface regate

Manage all your payments in a few clicks from a single interface

From Regate you can pay all your expenses securely and without ever connecting to your bank! Regate also allows you to schedule your payment batches, pay installments and manage assets.

“As soon as I receive supplier invoices, they are imported directly into the software. And all supplier payments are also made from Regate: so it's a huge time saver!”

Fabienne Mille
Accounting Administrator - Luxcarta
interface regate

Easily reconcile your expenses with a unified view of all your bank accounts

Regate allows you to carry out your bank reconciliations in a few clicks, and without connecting to your bank! Find a transaction in a few seconds thanks to the intelligent search engine and identify all missing documents.

“My accountant manages Regate on a daily basis on the accounting side: the invoices arrive, she processes them and she passes them into the Cegid accounting department. I use Regate more as a surveillance tool, it allows me to monitor where I am at in my various budgets.”

Équipe Enchanted tools
François Toussaint
President of Pausado
interface regate

Gain visibility on your company's finances

Thanks to the automation of financial reports offered by Regate, you benefit from a centralized view of all your financial operations, to best support you in managing your business.

“The very visual and customizable dashboard allows me to precisely manage my business. I now know where I stand in real time, I can anticipate deadlines and make forecasts.”

Laetitia Bertrand, gérante de Plus Haut les Mots
Laetitia Bertrand
Manager of Plus Haut les Mots
Tous vos documents sur un espace partagé et sécurisé avec Regate

Facilitate the collection of documents from your customers

Store, archive, exchange all administrative, financial and accounting documents relating to your customers' businesses, to collaborate with them on the same complete, up-to-date and secure source of information.

The bridge between your firm and your clients

Solution for accounting firms

Increase productivity on your files and simplify your customer relationship.

Solution for their customers

Manage your administration and billing on a platform shared with your accountant.

The most powerful accounting integrations on the market

No migration required: Regate by Qonto synchronizes perfectly with your accounting software to streamline your accounting from start to finish.

Regate and Qonto join forces

Regate and Qonto products integrate to offer you the best of both worlds:

Businesses can pay directly from Regate with a Qonto account

Accountants can retrieve the documents submitted by their clients on Qonto directly on their Regate interface

And many more integrations to come!

Regate vous accompagne dans la réforme de la facture électronique

PrĂŞt pour passer Ă  la facture Ă©lectronique ?

Après avoir déployé le format Factur-X pour ses utilisateurs, Regate by Qonto s'appuiera sur la Plateforme de Dématérialisation Partenaire (PDP) développée par Qonto.

Benefit from close and tailor-made support

Fast configuration, carried out by our teams

Dedicated account manager

Responsive support service 5 days a week

Le sujet met en lumière le succès des clients


Is Regate compatible with my accounting production software?

Regate integrates with the majority of accounting software on the market (Sage, Quadratus, ACD, MyUnisoft...). It acts on top of your production tool, to automatically unload the entries, in the appropriate format and in real time.

So there's no need to start a long migration project! To learn more about our software integrations and APIs, go to our dedicated page.

How is Regate being deployed?

We have developed a methodology for rapid and structured deployment across your practice, so that this phase takes as little time and resources as possible. All you need to do is send us basic information about your accounting organization and the FEC of your customers.

Then, our project managers take over to configure your interface according to your needs.

Finally, we organize online training courses for your employees and for your customers, during which we present the tool to them with a question and answer session at the end. In all, allow a maximum of 3 weeks!

Can you do electronic invoices (e-bill) with Regate?

As a reminder, electronic invoicing will gradually become mandatory from 1 July 2024 for all businesses subject to VAT, for B2B transactions. It is time to prepare your clients and the firm for this deadline! With Regate, you can now edit, send and receive invoices in Factur-X format approved by the tax authorities. Any invoice issued from Regate is therefore already in compliance with the future standard.

In addition, Regate is a candidate for registration as a Partner Dematerialization Platform (PDP), to support you even more in the reform and to help you implement electronic invoicing effortlessly.

To find out more, go to our dedicated page.

Do the accountant and their clients have access to the same Regate interface?

Everyone has specific needs, Regate offers adapted roles and dashboards.

The chartered accountant has access to accounting accounting functionalities, as well as to all of his files in order to best collaborate with his clients. By default, its dashboard summarizes the urgent actions to be taken on each file and the consumed, without financial indicators. In addition, he also has direct access to his client's dashboard to consult it.

For their part, company managers have access to the main management indicators (income statement, aging balance, turnover, trade receivables, expenses, bank balances, etc.) but also to their specific actions: filing invoices, modifying analytics, or even initiating payments.

What is the recognition rate of dematerialization of Regate invoices?

THE OCR (Optical Character Recognition) is a technology that makes it possible to scan digital documents (PDF, JPEG or PNG) and automatically extract their content. It is an almost instantaneous process, which Regate uses to process supplier invoices, customer invoices and expense reports. Our coding index is close to 100% because it is based on a powerful OCR, supplemented if video coding is needed.

What if you try Regate?

The automated pre-accounting platform, to increase productivity and collaborate with your customers, 100% integrated with your accounting software.