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Streamline the management of your cash flow from Regate!
Discover our new module.
Cash Management

Cash Management

Track and anticipate your cash flow

Don't be surprised by your liquidity level anymore! Track your cash flow accurately thanks to a consolidated view that is updated in real time.

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Track and optimize your cash flow
Élément de l'interface regateÉlément de l'interface regateÉlément de l'interface regate

Take back control of your cash flow

Capitalize on your financial data

The purchase, sale and banking information that Regate retrieves directly feeds into your cash flow plan, which is therefore generated and updated automatically.

Optimize your working capital

Consult your receipt and disbursement deadlines at any time, to arbitrate according to your priorities, reduce your risks and never find yourself in the red.

Anticipate your needs

Thanks to accurate and real-time monitoring, you can easily plan and make the best investment or financing decisions, in advance and according to the economic situation.

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Cash Management - David Brunello

"Like many SMEs, cash flow is our number one concern. Thanks to Regate, which allows us to manage and control our cash flow on a daily basis, we sleep a little better!

Using the platform allows us to better manage our different sites. The group's facilities do cash pooling. With Regate, we can accurately estimate how much we need to bring down, based on their needs."

David Brunello
Founder and director of Inspire Villages.
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Consolidate all your accounts in one overview

Your cash flow is fed with your bank data, without manual efforts:

  • Once your bank accounts are connected to Regate, the flows are automatically fed into the cash flow plan.
  • You have direct access to the current state of your liquidity and to the history.
  • The Realized evolves at the rate of your receipts and disbursements, in real time.
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Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Categorize your third parties and transactions in a few clicks

Easily set up your cash flow statement thanks to our automatic categorization features:

  • Simply define your categories and subcategories of receipts and disbursements.
  • Assign all your banking transactions and associated third parties to it.
  • In addition, our tool detects recurrence and automatically categorizes transactions over time.
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Anticipate your cash flow

Regate automatically generates a Predictive Analysis of your cash flow:

  • The calculation is based on the history of your transactions, their recurrence and pending invoices.
  • Is your business cyclical, seasonal, linear? Base the calculation on the last three months or on the year n-1 - the choice is yours.
  • You can then access the details of each line to understand our Analysis.
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Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Regate and Qonto join forces

Regate and Qonto products integrate to offer you the best of both worlds:

Businesses can pay directly from Regate with a Qonto account
Accountants can retrieve the documents submitted by their clients on Qonto directly on their Regate interface
And many more integrations to come!
Regate by Qonto se synchronise avec vos outils comptables


How does Regate automate my cash management?

Businesses traditionally manage their cash flow using Excel spreadsheets. They can certainly be accurate, but they are fixed at a moment T. To be truly actionable, you have to update the numbers very regularly to track transactions: it's a tedious, long and repetitive job. As you connect your banks to Regate, bank flows automatically feed into your income, which is therefore updated in real time. The Analysis is also recalculated according to new flows, as time goes by, to best approach reality.

What is Regate Analysis and what is the calculation method?

It is a forecasted analysis of your company's cash flows, generated automatically. Concretely, our tool analyzes the history of your transactions and detects their recurrence, and lists the purchase and sales invoices and expense reports incurred, to project the impact of their settlement.

I've already done my forecasting. Can I include it in my Regate cash flow statement?

Yes, it is possible to import your forecast directly onto the Regate platform - either by import.xlsx or.csv, or manually. It will then be directly consolidated on your board, next to the Realized and our Analysis.

How do I categorize my cash flow on Regate?

Simply set up your categories and subcategories of receipts and disbursements - not necessarily the same as your budget categories. Then, your third parties are automatically assigned to it, via keyword categorization rules, and your flows through bank reconciliation.

How does the Regate cash flow module allow me to optimize my BFR?

Cash flow is the lifeblood of war for SMEs... and, often, the main source of difficulties. It is therefore essential to maintain a good level of liquidity: this requires having a clear vision of current flows and anticipating troughs early enough in advance to take action if necessary. With Regate, you can always find out how much cash you actually have, visualize the next installments and disbursements and the corresponding balance. So, no more surprises!


Observatoire 2024 sur les tarifs des nouvelles missions

Découvrez notre étude réalisée par la Profession Comptable auprès de plus de 530 cabinets comptables entre janvier et mai 2024.

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Observatoire 2024 sur les tarifs des nouvelles missions
Get started in a few hours!

No technical development on your part is necessary. Our teams take care of everything and support you to configure your Regate interface according to your needs.

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What if you try Regate?

The automated pre-accounting platform, to increase productivity and collaborate with your customers, 100% integrated with your accounting software.

Mise en avant du livre blanc

How to set up
effective control of expenditure?

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