“Thanks to Regate, we have made the firm evolve towards a competitive model that focuses on customer relationships.”

Jean-Mathieu Dorelle
Pyxis Audit
Regate at Pyxis

How Pyxis Audit doubled the number of cases managed by each employee thanks to Regate

Thanks to a mass deployment of the Regate platform, Pyxis Audit was able to benefit from significant productivity gains. Now much more competitive, the accounting firm has been able to make a strategic reorientation, devoting less time to entering and collecting documents and more to supporting clients.

Accounting firm
30 to 200

“Customers quickly understand that using a collaborative platform is cheaper than mobilizing an employee to recover their parts and they quickly choose Regate!”

Jean-Mathieu Dorelle
Pyxis Audit

The benefits of Regate

Productivity gains

Employees no longer waste time chasing after coins. They can refocus on customer relationships and on new, more strategic missions. And very soon, AI will allow us to go even further.

Rapid deployment to customers

Once the EBICS mandate and the tax mandate have been signed, activating Regate for a client is very quick. Especially since the platform is compatible with both the smallest files and SMEs with more than 200 people.

Ease of use

“When our customers use Regate, they find accounting easy! Whether on their computer or on the mobile application, everything is always very easy for them.”

“Deploying Regate was a strategic choice for the firm. It is also a way to anticipate the transformations that will come with the arrival of electronic invoicing.”

Jean-Mathieu Dorelle
Pyxis Audit

Their favorite features

Collaboration with customers made easy

“Using Regate allows customers to automatically send us parts and data. These operations that were once very time-consuming have become very fast.”

Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Integration with accounting production software

“All accounting entries are automatically uploaded from Regate into Cegid Quadra. It's a real comfort for employees.”

The customer billing module

“We have more and more customers using it. Even those who have dedicated billing software sometimes prefer to use Regate to more easily send us images of their invoices.”

Regate interface element

“Regate allowed us to set up a data collection center that is very efficient and at lower costs”

Jean-Mathieu Dorelle
Pyxis Audit

The impact of Regate
In a few figures

60 to 70

This is the average number of files now managed by each employee. This compares with 30 to 40 previously.


The number of cases handled by the firm on Regate. They represent 90% of the firm's business.


The proportion of time spent by the firm's staff on Regate. Everything is centralized on the platform.

What if you try Regate?

Regate automates your financial and accounting management and saves you time on a daily basis.

Book a demo
Utilisateur Regate
Utilisateur Regate