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Streamline the management of your cash flow from Regate!
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Bank reconciliation (AI)

Bank reconciliation (AI)

Make your bank reconciliations in a few clicks!

Regate allows you to view all your bank accounts and therefore all of your transactions on a single interface, facilitating reconciliation.

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a person using a touch screen device
Élément de l'interface regateÉlément de l'interface regateÉlément de l'interface regate

A unified view of all your bank accounts

Save time and efficiency

Thanks to Regate, you benefit from a global view of all your bank accounts, regardless of which bank you use. No more multiple connections to your different banks, find all your transactions in Regate for a reconciliation in just a few clicks.

Reconciliation at source

By managing all your expenses and payments directly from Regate, you can easily track your transactions from end to end on a single platform. You can thus find any operation in a few clicks, which considerably facilitates reconciliation!

Integration with the accounting system

All your reconciled transactions automatically flow into your accounting software, with the associated supporting documents! Find all the information in real time and effortlessly directly in your accounting.

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Bank reconciliation - Fabienne Mille

"Regate: It helps avoids errors and is ten times faster. It's really great because I don't have to open several pages, several modules, several programs!

What I like most about Regate is the automatic extraction. I just have to click on a button and all my accounting entries are generated in my accounting records. It's just perfect, it takes ten seconds! "

Fabienne Mille
Accounting administrator at LuxCarta
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Intelligent reconciliation thanks to AI

An AI model trained by us automatically matches bank transactions to the relevant accounting codes, with a match rate of 95%.

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Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Access to all your accounts on a single interface

Regate allows you to centralize and access all your bank accounts on a single interface. No need to juggle between your different accounts to take stock of your cash flow.

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Find a transaction in a few seconds

Thanks to our integrated search engine and our filter system, find a transaction in a few clicks!

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Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Identify missing supporting documents at a glance

Regate identifies and lists all missing supporting documents for you. All you have to do is contact the right people to be up to date.

Be warned when your customers pay you

Regate alerts you as soon as you receive a new payment. No need to log in to your bank every day when waiting for a payment.

Regate and Qonto join forces

Regate and Qonto products integrate to offer you the best of both worlds:

Businesses can pay directly from Regate with a Qonto account
Accountants can retrieve the documents submitted by their clients on Qonto directly on their Regate interface
And many more integrations to come!
Regate by Qonto se synchronise avec vos outils comptables


Can bank reconciliation automation rules be created with Regate?

To save you time, Regate carries out an automatic bank reconciliation based on rules specifically pre-defined during the configuration phase and created manually as you go. Finally, our reconciliation algorithm carries out automatic reconciliations without any prior rules.

How many bank accounts can I associate with Regate? Can they be aggregated to have a consolidated vision?

With the exception of the Starter Pack, it is possible to associate an unlimited number of bank accounts to your Regate account. Depending on your needs, you can choose to display them separately or all together.

Are payments made from Regate automatically reconciled?

Regate includes a bank reconciliation tool designed to speed up reconciliation work through an automated system: Everything paid on Regate is thus automatically reconciled. The bank log is then generated automatically.

Can we do a line breakdown with Regate?

Yes, with our bank reconciliation software, it only takes one click to break down a transaction across several invoices.

Does Regate generate bank entries?

From bank statements automatically retrieved from banks, Regate makes it possible to generate a bank journal. It is also possible to automatically dump the bank journal.

What are the ways of retrieving bank transactions in Regate?

Regate offers various ways of retrieving bank transactions to ensure that accounting can be carried out reliably, completely and quickly. Depending on the banks and the type of connection selected, either the connection by DPS2 (via Bridge), or by EBICS (Via SoBank and Jedeclare) or even via a manual import are therefore available.


Observatoire 2024 sur les tarifs des nouvelles missions

Découvrez notre étude réalisée par la Profession Comptable auprès de plus de 530 cabinets comptables entre janvier et mai 2024.

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Observatoire 2024 sur les tarifs des nouvelles missions
Get started in a few hours!

No technical development on your part is necessary. Our teams take care of everything and support you to configure your Regate interface according to your needs.

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What if you try Regate?

The automated pre-accounting platform, to increase productivity and collaborate with your customers, 100% integrated with your accounting software.

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effective control of expenditure?

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