“Regate is my co-pilot. We are in control, and Regate gives us the right indications and does the work for us.”

Carine Hiron
Phenix Group
Regate at Phenix Group

How Phenix Group is overcoming the turmoil of acquisitions with Regate as co-pilot.

Within a group with constant external growth, the Phenix Group accounting team needed to find a solution to manage its most time-consuming tasks and to keep its cash flow under control at all times. After evaluating the various solutions on the market, Carine did not hesitate to choose Regate.

200 to 500

“This is our first closure with Regate, and our collaborator is thrilled because it's going much faster. She is really more serene!”

Carine Hiron
Phenix Group

The benefits of Regate

Save time on management

Marie-Jeanne, in charge of supplier accounting, saved nearly 50% of her time with Regate. This allows it to take care of the additional volume of the new entities acquired. “It's considerable. ROI, just in this aspect, is really important”, notes Carine.

Dematerialize invoices

“The loss of documents: it's over!” , Carine assures. She explains that with Regate all invoices are collected, automatically entered and validated for payment directly in the platform. Regate has become the management center for its suppliers.

Optimize supplier payments

The priority of Carine and the accounting team: optimizing cash flow. For this, Regate is a valuable ally. With precise validation circuits, each payment is now clearly justified. “When you take money out, you know why,” Carine insists.

“After this first phase, we look forward to deploying all of Regate's modules for all companies in the group.”

Carine Hiron
Phenix Group

Their favorite features

Bank cards

Before Regate, Phenix Group used physical cards for each entity. “It was hell” according to Carine, who received a password for each purchase, to share with the buyer. Now, employees are autonomous and she can remind them to add supporting documents.

Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Regate support

For Carine, support was a selection criterion and that of Regate does not disappoint: “We have always been very satisfied with Regate's ultra-responsive support. What I really like, and I can tell right away, is that customer satisfaction is a priority.”

The bill collector

All you have to do is set up your identifiers and passwords in the tool, and invoices from the main recurring suppliers are automatically imported into Regate. One time only. No more duplicates, as Carine complained before. Now, she no longer has any doubts about her bills.

Regate interface element

“Regate is completely in line with the expectations of a person who manages accounts payable.”

Carine Hiron
Phenix Group

The impact of Regate
In a few figures


virtual bank cards


FTEs saved with Regate

100 %

satisfied employees

What if you try Regate?

Regate automates your financial and accounting management and saves you time on a daily basis.

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Utilisateur Regate