“In my organization, there is certainly a before and after Regate.”

Stéphanie Lagrange
France Trampoline
Regate at France Trampoline

How France Trampoline automated its accounting on Regate to gain agility

Stéphanie's first need was to centralize her accounting flows. The second is to automate the transfer and entry of these flows. And the third, to make buyers at France Trampoline responsible. All on a platform that is easy to deploy and handle by everyone, which connects to their accounting tool, and which brings together what required several tools until now. After extensive research, she solved her equation with Regate.

New Aquitaine
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“Regate allows me to streamline exchanges with purchasing managers. If I don't have the validation, hop! I click and they're restarted.”

Stéphanie Lagrange
France Trampoline

The benefits of Regate

Making accounting more reliable

Stéphanie has made her accounting processes and data more reliable: “Once registered on Regate, it's uploaded to Sage, and you get the right accounting data.” The platform also learns from past imputation choices to reproduce them automatically.

Optimize supplier payments

Thanks to the approval circuits set up in Regate, each paid invoice was actually imported in the correct format and validated by the employee concerned. Stéphanie was therefore able to empower the teams, and greatly accelerate the payment of invoices.

Centralize expenditure control

Now 100% of invoices are archived, accessible by everyone, and centralized in Regate. This is unprecedented and important for France Trampoline, which uses numerous suppliers, and whose production sites are spread across the Bordeaux region.

“Fortunately, Regate is helping me and will even more help me save time on all of these aspects, because today I am saving minutes.”

Stéphanie Lagrange
France Trampoline

Their favorite features

Deferred expenses

“I love CCAs now! I like to share my burdens.” Stéphanie jokes. With Regate, Stéphanie found a way to easily manage her expenses paid in 2022 for completion (total or partial) in 2023. It is particularly useful for an industrial activity.

Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Automatic exchange rate

Regate makes it possible to automatically adapt the exchange rate of expenses made in foreign currencies, with the rate in force on the day of the transaction. France Trampoline, which pays some suppliers in dollars, takes full advantage of this.


The approval circuit set up thanks to Regate greatly improves the work of invoice approving employees. And they particularly appreciate being able to easily visualize the evolution of expenses and budgets.

Regate interface element

“Regate allows all of us to evolve in our business and to focus on tasks where we provide more added value.”

Stéphanie Lagrange
France Trampoline

The impact of Regate
In a few figures


hours saved every week with Regate

95 %

invoices processed in a completely reliable manner

100 %

centralized invoices on Regate

What if you try Regate?

Regate automates your financial and accounting management and saves you time on a daily basis.

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Utilisateur Regate