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Streamline the management of your cash flow from Regate!
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Budgets and purchase requests

Budgets and purchase requests

Keep control of your expenses thanks to budgets and purchase requests

Keep a close eye on your budgets thanks to the management tool, Regate. Pre-approve your expenses to stay as close as possible to reality.

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a woman smiling while using a laptop
Élément de l'interface regateÉlément de l'interface regateÉlément de l'interface regate

For real-time control

Better control of expenses

Thanks to the purchasing request system, each manager can pre-approve his team's expenses as soon as the need is expressed. No more unpleasant surprises due to the lack of communication, each referent can now simply manage all of their costs and all the information is shared in real time with the Finance teams!

More reliable budget monitoring

Each expense reported in Regate can be attributed to a pre-defined budget or cost center: budget monitoring is thus accessible in almost real time, which considerably facilitates business management!

More informed decisions

From Regate, you have access to all of your company's financial information centralized and always up to date. You can now base all your decisions on reliable and representative data about your business.

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Management - Olivier Giunti

"My accounting department uses Regate on a daily basis: the invoices arrive, they're processed, and then sent on to the Cegid accounting system. I use Regate more as a supervision tool: it really allows me to keep an eye on where I am in my various budgets.

The difference with Regate is like night and day. Before Regate, I had an accounting system that was lagging too much, so you couldn't rely on the accounting system to help you make any decisions. Now it's completely different. We can practically make decisions in real time.

The tool is well made, the interface is well made and it is efficient. It's a pleasure every morning to see where you are with your budget. It's really great to be working with such a streamline tool!

Olivier Giunti
President, Pausado
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Define budget envelopes and follow them in real time

On Regate, you can configure your budgets by analytical axis, assign a referent and track related expenses in real time.

Opt for a clear budgetary vision at all times: empower your teams while maintaining an overview!

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Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Pre-approve your expenses and follow your commitments and achievements

Thanks to purchase requests, you can accurately track your committed budget:

  • Creating purchase requests from Regate
  • Assigning a validator for each request
  • Multi-criteria acceptance workflow
  • Reconciliation Purchase Request - Invoice
  • Facilitated communication between teams
  • Automatic allocation to the relevant budget
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Simulate your scenarios of expenses

Test different spending scenarios to validate which is the most relevant for your business.

Regate also allows you to visualize your budgets over different time frames: by month, by quarter, etc. in order to make the best decisions.

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Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Empower your employees and budget referents by giving them visibility!

Set up approval channels, rules, and spending limits. Automatically allocate costs to projects or cost centers, for up-to-date information at all times.

Regate and Qonto join forces

Regate and Qonto products integrate to offer you the best of both worlds:

Businesses can pay directly from Regate with a Qonto account
Accountants can retrieve the documents submitted by their clients on Qonto directly on their Regate interface
And many more integrations to come!
Regate by Qonto se synchronise avec vos outils comptables


Can an expense request be linked to an invoice in Regate?

Regate's main mission is to enable you to better manage your expenses. Nothing is left to chance. Thus, it is of course possible to link an expense request to an invoice directly from supplier invoices.

Can I request a recurring purchase in Regate?

In the age of SaaS models, it is increasingly common for an employee to need to request a purchase for a service that is payable by subscription. This is why Regate offers to make recurring purchase requests very simply.

What automated expense approval circuits are possible in Regate?

To ensure that expenses are monitored adapted to each organization, Regate offers a large number of approval options that are fully configurable: by expenditure threshold, by type of payment method, by applicant, in cascade or in parallel, etc. These numerous options guarantee you better control of your expenditure budget while optimizing the time to devote to it.

Is it possible to export purchase requests from Regate?

Sometimes it is necessary to export employee purchase requests to process them or do further analysis. Regate makes it very easy to obtain a CSV file in a few clicks.

Can we have a centralized vision of the budgets committed vs. realized in Regate?

Regate is designed to allow managers and finance and accounting teams to ensure accurate budget monitoring. For this, a clear view of the various configured budgets is available at a glance in the 'Budgets' module. Our budget monitoring tool makes it easy to compare committed budgets vs. completed budgets.

Can budgets be organized according to the analytical plan in Regate?

On Regate, it is possible to create analytical plans, and therefore to follow budgets precisely and reliably thanks to their breakdown.


Observatoire 2024 sur les tarifs des nouvelles missions

Découvrez notre étude réalisée par la Profession Comptable auprès de plus de 530 cabinets comptables entre janvier et mai 2024.

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Observatoire 2024 sur les tarifs des nouvelles missions
Get started in a few hours!

No technical development on your part is necessary. Our teams take care of everything and support you to configure your Regate interface according to your needs.

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What if you try Regate?

The automated pre-accounting platform, to increase productivity and collaborate with your customers, 100% integrated with your accounting software.

Mise en avant du livre blanc

How to set up
effective control of expenditure?

Download the guide