“Regate is the tool we've been looking for from the start. It is perfectly connected with Sage.”

Claudia Ventura-Mongiat
Cabinet Ecaud
Regate at Ecaud

How Ecaud employees were able to reinvest 2/3 of their time in developing new cases

In full expansion, the Ecaud firm needed to find a solution to manage the growing number of cases without hiring reinforcements due to lack of budget and time. The objective: to relieve employees. And it is Regate, in particular through automation, that allows them to approach this period calmly.

Accounting firm
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“Regate is like a team member who chews the work for us, saves us time, and protects us from stress.”

Claudia Ventura-Mongiat
Cabinet Ecaud

The benefits of Regate

Improving Business/Firm Collaboration

“Typing does not bring any added value to customers”, Explain Claudia. Thanks to Regate, the firm will be able to develop its clientele, resume more regular contact with its existing customers, offer new services and no longer refuse missions.


Save time on management

2/3 of the time saved on files spent on Regate. Suffice to say that Claudia is eager to continue the deployment: “And here I am only counting the time saved on preparing the balance sheet with the search for documents, for example. And we still have several modules to discover!”


Easily deploy the solution

Their objective: to free up time. “We easily managed to deploy 1/4 of our files to Regate in just a few weeks. It's accurate, fast, and easy to use.” explains Claudia, who is therefore eager to transfer the rest of the files to the platform to increase the impact tenfold.


“Regate allows us to report on time, because our customers now want a situation within 24 hours.”

Claudia Ventura-Mongiat
Cabinet Ecaud

Their favorite features

Automatic currency converter

It's ideal for automatically managing customer fees in foreign currencies while traveling. Regate converts each ticket directly with the correct rate. “I was so happy. It's trivial, but it's a feature that saves us a lot of work.”

Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Automatic sync with Sage

The smooth transmission of accounting entries from Regate to Sage in real time was the first element that impressed Claudia when she started with Regate. Direct access to invoices from Sage in one click, or the clear presentation with clean labels have won her over.

Automatic creation of third parties

While the platform automatically identifies already known suppliers, it is also capable of detecting new suppliers and suggesting them, by autonomously creating a new supplier (or customer) file, with all the useful data.

Regate interface element

“The aim is really to pass as many files as possible on Regate as soon as possible.”

Claudia Ventura-Mongiat
Cabinet Ecaud

The impact of Regate
In a few figures


time saved on deployed files


customers deployed in a few weeks


month only for the platform to master a file

What if you try Regate?

The automated pre-accounting platform, to increase productivity and collaborate with your customers, 100% integrated with your accounting software.