“Today, it is difficult to find new employees. That's one of the reasons why we use Regate.”

Fabien Halter
Alpha Compta
Regate at Alpha Compta

How Alpha Compta reorganized its work to prioritize supporting its customers

Fabien's mission? Digitize the firm's activity to refocus the work of teams on advising clients, which is becoming the real added value of their business. This is why, in consultation with one of his customers, he selected Regate: “Collection and input are automated, validation is accelerated: we are making good progress!”

Accounting firm
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“Regate will allow us to keep our biggest customers: with automation, we are halving the time spent and keeping our fees under control.”

Fabien Halter
Alpha Compta

The benefits of Regate

Save time on management

Whether through automated data entry, batch validation of invoices or even their automatic collection, Alpha Compta saves up to 50% of time on its files thanks to Regate. Fabien's objective is therefore to continue to deploy it as much as possible.


Making accounting more reliable

Guaranteeing reliable accounting to its customers at all times is obviously essential. Regate makes it possible to track the submission of invoices, to simplify revision with direct access to invoices from the entries or to facilitate checks: “Fewer mistakes are possible,” explains Fabien.


Dematerialize invoices

It is the firm's responsibility to help its clients anticipate future legal constraints. “If they switch to Regate today, the switch to electronic invoicing will be almost trivial. They won't know the difference.” assures Fabien.


“Customers are really happy with the Regate application to manage their expense reports: they can finally get rid of their stacks of invoices”

Fabien Halter
Alpha Compta

Their favorite features

Batch invoice validation

“The most valuable thing is to be able to validate several invoices at once!” In five minutes, Fabien can validate a hundred standard and recurring invoices in this way. It's not only the input that is accelerated: the validation is also much faster.

Regate interface element
Regate interface element

Supplier files

For the accountant, as for the customer, it is very practical (and easy) to find all the invoices from a supplier or a customer in 2 clicks: they are all linked and correctly sorted by date in their supplier sheet. You can even filter them to go faster!

The bill collector

“This is a small plus today, which will become more and more interesting with electronic invoicing!” Today, the collector concerns recurring suppliers such as EDF or Orange; In the future they will all be affected. “And we know that there are no problems, it's managed.”

Regate interface element

“By choosing Regate, we help customers anticipate legal obligations related to electronic invoicing. ”

Fabien Halter
Alpha Compta

The impact of Regate
In a few figures


of files first to be deployed on Regate


minutes to validate 100 invoices


of new eligible customers are offered Regate

What if you try Regate?

The automated pre-accounting platform, to increase productivity and collaborate with your customers, 100% integrated with your accounting software.